
Our aim is to reduce environmental impact by increasing a surfboard's longevity, while using less harmful materials and lower impact construction techniques.

We use a patented composite construction that enhances board strength and reduces dings, dents and delaminations. Our process also removes harmful toxic chemicals.

Our shapes range from classic reproductions to innovative new designs all of which deliver great rides. The new composition and process reduces your impact on the environment, and our low prices reduce the impact on your bottom line.

The GoGreenSurfboards Line-up
GGS Longboard Basic 9' 2"
GGS Maple Veneer 9' 2"
GGS Exotic Wood Veneer 9' 2"
GGS Bamboo Veneer 9' 2"
The GGS 8' 0"
The GGS Hawaiian Gun 8' 3"
The Mini Log
The Missing Link
GGS Office Surfchair
GGS Patio Surfchair